There’s an incredibly scary trend that’s been developing over the past couple of years with regards to the illuminati. The name of the game isn’t child’s play “gang signs” like the 666 hand gesture over one eye, or the pyramid over one eye….No my...
AI and the Beast System – On Point talks with AM Radio Show
onpoint December 18, 2017I was recently invited as a guest on the Call to Decision coast-to-coast AM radio show with Pastor Butch Paugh. We had a great discussion on AI and how that ties in to the beast system. If you’d like to listen to that broadcast,...
Will a Third Temple be built in Jerusalem?!
onpoint December 10, 2017With the recent declaration by Donald Trump acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (which the US already did back in 1995), and stating the intention of moving the US embassy there, prophecy experts have been losing their minds about the very near term...
Pope Francis is Accused of Heresy by his OWN CHURCH
onpoint December 1, 2017A great awakening had already happened back in 1517 when Martin Luther started the reformation against the Catholic Church. However, we are seeing another such reformation within the Catholic Church today. Many conservative Catholics have been very skeptical of the current pope and his...
What’s With the New Upside Down Christmas Tree Trend?
onpoint November 30, 2017One of the strangest things to trend the social media-sphere lately is purchasing an upside down Christmas tree for your house. Originally, it seems like this idea was prompted by hotels and malls. However, it’s all the new rage amongst personal homes with...
Why is Second Baptist Church Engaging in Occult Rituals?
onpoint November 28, 2017Houston Texas is home to some of the biggest mega churches in the country. Whether it’s Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, or Joel Osteen’s Lakewood church, it seems the large churches tend to fall away from the true gospel of Christ. Second Baptist church is...
Mystery Solved? Mysterious Booms Happening All Across the World
onpoint November 23, 2017For about the past decade, there have been reports of mysterious booms happening across the world. The majority of these sounds have been limited to the USA and Great Britain. NASA, USGS, local news agencies and others have all confirmed that these booms are...
Every now and again, the Holy Spirit of God will tug on you to do something. Here is a story that happened to me last year that God told me to tell all of you. In humility, I express my own failures so that...
Why Did the Texas Church Massacre Building Get Painted White?
onpoint November 20, 2017We’ve seen our fair share of strange events over the past couple of years, and this one is no exception. While many instantaneously dub these “hoaxes” where no one died, I am much more conservative in my approach. I do believe we have seen...
Why Did Saudi Arabia Make the AI Sophia Robot a Citizen?
onpoint November 11, 2017When the news first came out of citizenship being granted to the AI Robot Sophia, many interpreted this event to be a PR stunt. But make no mistake, the elites to not do things just to make a lighthearted show. There is a VERY...