Category: Survival

America’s Dark Culture

Call me old fashioned at a tender 30 years of age, but as I see the progression of American entertainment over the past decade, I see an industry that promotes not only the typical vices such as sex and alcohol, but death.  When ever...

Communications Survival


Communications is an essential aspect of any preparation plan.  Whether you are preparing for a natural disaster, civil unrest, or simply backpacking into the woods, having the means to communicate can be a life saver.

Finances Survival

Stagflation will consume you

“Real” unemployment figures in the United States are approximately 25% as opposed to the “official” government projection of approximately 7%.  While those individuals are now unfortunately dependent on government assistance to survive, those that have a job are not doing any better.  The definition of stagflation...


The President in your pocket…

Did you know that an alert from the President of the United States can come directly into your phone via a text message?  Although the FCC instituted this feature back in 2010-2011, many smart phone owners have absolutely no idea that this technology is...

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