There’s an incredibly scary trend that’s been developing over the past couple of years with regards to the illuminati. The name of the game isn’t child’s play “gang signs” like the 666 hand gesture over one eye, or the pyramid over one eye….No my...
Prophecy - End Times Articles YouTube
Pope Francis is Accused of Heresy by his OWN CHURCH
onpoint December 1, 2017A great awakening had already happened back in 1517 when Martin Luther started the reformation against the Catholic Church. However, we are seeing another such reformation within the Catholic Church today. Many conservative Catholics have been very skeptical of the current pope and his...
Prophecy - End Times Articles YouTube
Why Did Saudi Arabia Make the AI Sophia Robot a Citizen?
onpoint November 11, 2017When the news first came out of citizenship being granted to the AI Robot Sophia, many interpreted this event to be a PR stunt. But make no mistake, the elites to not do things just to make a lighthearted show. There is a VERY...