NEVER trust a freemason! Freemason Grand Lodges in all 50 states have instituted a program called “MasoniCHIP” for children. It sounds like something straight off of a fake news website, but you’ll see that this is completely true. MASONICHIP ID Per wikipedia, The CHIP...
Prophecy - End Times Articles YouTube
Why Did Saudi Arabia Make the AI Sophia Robot a Citizen?
onpoint November 11, 2017When the news first came out of citizenship being granted to the AI Robot Sophia, many interpreted this event to be a PR stunt. But make no mistake, the elites to not do things just to make a lighthearted show. There is a VERY...
It’s an epidemic – people have their faces plugged into their phones almost every waking hour of the day. All that “face time” funnels your entire being into a nice convenient package for corporations and the government to take when they like. You’ll be...